Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! We had our "Second Annual Halloween Lawn Party" and had just as much fun as we did last year. We had almost 100 friends in and out for homemade chili, cornbread, popcorn, beer and wine. We kept it pretty simple but hay bales and corn stalks in Menlo Park make a big impression and the front yard was transformed to "Francie's Farm" once again! The kids loved playing in the hay and checking out the chickens while the adults socialized, made fun of each others costumes and consumed some Coors Light. The weather was unpredictable but the rain held off for the trick-or-treaters and it was a perfectly spooky, windy, warm Halloween Night.

Our nice "clean" grass about to be transformed into Francie's Farmland

Emma, Owen and Amelia kick things off (those are real cabbages bigger than most of the pumpkins! Anyone have any good cabbage recipes? :)

Heff and I were the "Brides of Frankenstein" :) (Remember the Tele-tubbies? My husband is a GOOD SPORT!)

This was Jannie's REAL wedding dress I dug up in her "costume closet" and couldn't resist! Of course it was a little snug (ok, a lot) and a tad short but it was fun to wear :)

Our neighbors with Stella and Natalie

The playgroup friends in family themes!

Heff and our friend Julia serving up some yummy hot chili

Francie the Chick-chick (thanks for the costume Auntie Baby Ann) with her Jannie and Grampa

Even though it was raining off and on it was still pretty warm out so the chicken got a little hot under the collar and didn't keep the costume on for long

Silly Uncle Mark dressed as a pregnant woman! Aunt Sarah (the REAL pregnant woman) as his sidekick :) I cracked up at Mark telling me he went shopping at Target for the largest size dress he could find in the maternity section.

The Legrand family... Estelle a pretty flower, Icie a rugby player and Bert her coach (who stayed "in character" ALL night. Thanks for the tips coach.)

Adriana, Cute Conor and Christian

Francie says "DADDY why are you wearing this silly necklace and mom's eyeliner?!" I found Heff's "dress" in my moms costume closet too... and it fit him. James, Jerry, who wore this and what for?!

Where's Waldo, Bride of Frankenstein, Rugby-Accident-Waiting-to-Happen and the little Flower

Erika's handmade Duracell Battery costume for Leo was SO CUTE even if he didn't think so

Little Miss Anti-Social threw a bit of a fit during the party. She was a bunny rabbit for awhile and sat eating her cornbread by herself :)

Scary pumpkins!

Jordie and Ben were a Blind Date (he was blind, she had dates stuck to her outfit) and Josie was a chicken/turkey/rooster... after much debate it remains a mystery

Emma (Francie's idol) keeping her entertained. I don't know who was happier when Emma showed up, me or Francie who had been asking ALL night for "Em-ma"!

Emma and her posse of girlfriends took Francie inside and said she TOLD them she wanted to be a ballerina now... wardrobe change number three!

Wait.... Where's Waldo?

Cute Lily and Francie playing with the leaves

Lily's mom Jessica and Francie's friend Ruby

The Dad's standing around being Dads. The girls were inside on the couch until 11pm gossiping and wondering who was going to stay the latest with their 1 year old to win the "worst parents" award. I drove a few home at 11:30 and called Jannie to tell her I would pick up our dumb dog who had been hanging at her house (after a little "incident" with a neighbors off-leash dog last year we decided to keep Ollie off the farm for the night) and Jannie said "Are you sure you're okay to drive? I can come do it." I reminded her I am pregnant and therefore NOT even close to over-the-legal-limit drunk! Thanks anyway Jannie :)

It's 10pm and all she wants to do is chase the BIG KIDS!