Carving Pumpkins

Wednesday night we carved our pumpkins for Halloween! Francie had fun checking things out for a little while and then had better things to do... but Heff and I had a great time. We made a huge mess and took turns playing with Francie so we could carve in peace :) Heff took the deer tags off his last pair of antlers to make a fitting scary pumpkin, I tried to carve a witch face I saw somewhere and we both worked on a dremel "Francie" pumpkin like the Carters made for her last year on her first Halloween (we missed you Jerry and Georgia!) We got them lit up and out on the porch a little late but before Francie fell asleep.

Francie is ready to get this party started

"I'll just sit here and eat candy corn hand over fist... you guys can carve those pumpkins yourselves"

Francie was a big help to dad cleaning out the pumpkin seeds ;)

But how can you not let her "help" when she's so cute!?

"Gross. I'm not touching that stuff."

Francie and Mom

In her PJ's ready to put the pumpkins on the porch!

Dad's pumpkin is SCARY...

Maybe too scary? No, just bedtime already!

Happy Eve of Halloween Eve!