Francie the Big Girl

"Yeah I'm a Big Girl now Mom..."

We had lunch with Daddy today at Stacks (Mom's favorite Cobb Salad spot) and Francie was acting like such a big girl! She was playing with the spoon and the straw and her little teddy bear... I think our quiet, peaceful lunches might be coming to an end :) Heff and I were both back at work today after two weeks of vacation (if you can call it that when you are self employed). It was good to be back in the mix but hard to be apart all day... Francie missed her Dad but was glad she got to see him at lunch and come home early from working with Mom to make dinner together. We put away the Christmas decorations and got the house back in some sort of order after the holidays. Back to the real world!

A few days late but I just uploaded some pictures from my little camera, on New Years Eve we met Heff's friends Mike Terzian, Sabrina, Matt and Jenny Terzian in San Francisco for burgers and beers. We met their adorable daughter Olivia Louise who is one month older than Francie, she was soo cute and it was fun to play with both babies together.

"Hey, she has hair... where's mine?" Hard to believe these guys have baby girls now :)