
Francie got to try ice cream for the first time! We aren't in a hurry to start solid food or rice cereal but Wednesday night we had family over for Duck Dinner and gave her a little taste of our dessert. Jerry stopped at Beltramos for some appropriately paired red wine to accompany his first taste of ducks he shot himself and we had the whole crowd over. Since we were all enjoying the delicious duck and duck sauce, we gave Francie pants a little taste of the good stuff.

Dad, we said a taste not a spoonful!


"I think I still like this thumb thing better"

Our favorite after-dinner activity... passing Francie around the table (and for some reason, Dad took her clothes off so she made the rounds naked) Francie says "Look Uncle Jerry! No clothes and I'm standing on the dinner table!"

"Seriously Mom? All those cute outfits in my closet and you are letting them pass me around in a diaper?!"

"Grandpa's thumb doesn't quite fit like mine does"

Uncle Mark will save me from this nutty family

"Finally they put some clothes on me"