Painting Dad's New Office

Monday night we worked on Heff's new office with Watson and his wife April. Heff and Watson are moving in! They are taking over part of the upstairs in the Academic Trainers building we weren't really using to full capacity. So we turned the Ikea/kid-friendly office into a more professional, 'mature' law practice! lots of green and dark brown Restoration Hardware paint. It is going to be really cool to have Daddy working in the same office :) We;ll try not to bug him too much.

Tuesday night we had some friends over for dinner. Heff went to law school with Scott, he brought his wife April and adorable girls Giselle and Jackie. Jannie and Kelly just got back from a trip to Nashville to visit Baby Ann and they stopped in with Kelly's mom Joy and her little sister Shannon, to see Francie-pants!

Kelly, Joy, Shannon Spiller with Giselle and Francie

April and little Jackie

Heff with the girls

"What? I can't have my dinner out of this bowl?"