Mary Frances got a little lamb...

Francie went to the Tehama County Fair in Red Bluff on Saturday!

With Mom and Dad by the Ferris Wheel (mom has learned how to nurse on the go since she's not very good at sitting still)

Francie wishing she could have just a bite of a jumbo corndog with Oma and Aunt Kat

The Flynn's met us at the Fair (Eva and Spencer)

Heff's god-daughter Madeline and his daughter!

The whole crowd in the grandstands watching the Junior Livestock Auction

Francie's cute booties from Aunt Em were a big hit at the Fair

Dad bought Francie this pig! It was the only one with a pink ribbon tied around it's belly while being auctioned off, he couldn't resist

Here is Francie meeting "Jessyca" who's pig Dad bought. Jessyca came up to the stands to thank us for buying her pig, she told us the pig's name was Lucy and she was going to save the money from the pig for school.

The auctioners thanking the "Law Offices of Brian T. Heffernan" for his support... good luck writing that one off Heff:)

Spencer and Eva loved sitting on Brian's lap to watch the auction

Sutter and Remington showing off their 4H ribbons

Sleeping with Aunt Kat (yes Mom has me in the same cowboy outfit I was wearing for a few hours yesterday, how embarassing)

Francie decided she didn't like pork as much as she likes lamb, so she convinced her dad to buy a sheep too from this little girl, Andrea, who's dad went to high school with Heff.
Andrea brought us a thank you basket of goodies and a note that said...
"Thank you for supporting me and buying my sheep. I hope you like the food. Sincerely, Andrea"

Dad taking Francie to visit her animals before they go to slaughter and end up on our dinner table

Francie meets "Lucy" the 258 pound pig up close and personal

Mare & Francie with Andrea and her lamb "Buddy"

Madeline riding the Mechanical Bull... Francie really wanted to but decided to wait until next year's fair when she'll have a little more head and neck control

Leaving the Fair... next year you'll have even more fun Francie and maybe someday you can show a pig like your Daddy used to!

Going home to Oma and Opa's house... you can't even see me in my camo car seat!