Francie back home

Francie's had her first bath at home Sunday... we waited for Jannie to come over and help when we got home from Red Bluff. The nurses at the hospital told us we could wait for a "real" bath until the umbilical cord fell off but we thought she could use a bath after meeting all the barnyard animals so we gave her a warm sponge bath and were careful around her umbilical cord (hopefully it falls off soon!) She was a good girl for her bath but liked the snuggling in her towel part best. :)

Nice and clean

Sunday night we had dinner at the Johnet's with the whole crowd. Mark, Sarah and Kat, James and Em, Jerry and Allison, Em's family joined us and the Kreefts came up from Aptos with Drew to meet Francie. Jan and John made a yummy chicken dinner and we all spent a lot of time starring at Francie... Sophie was a little upset not to be the center of attention and promptly destroyed the new dog toy Jerry brought for her.

Cousin Drew meets Francie (Drew was worried about her name, he thinks "Mary Frances Borchard Heffernan" is just way too long to write on the top of your test.)

"Grantie Mimi" (she coined the phrase for Great Aunt")

Uncle Jerry

What are you mad about Francie!?

Look at those long toes

Uncle James

Em's family.... Marla, Em, Joe and Marla

We were just hanging out with Jannie at home Monday while Dad was at work. He sure misses his girls while he is at work (and we miss him!) so we met him for lunch today so he could get a "Francie Fix." We had our first "New Mom/New Grandmother" incident today after meeting Heff for lunch... we walked around downtown and did some errands, then got back to the car and loaded up Francie, the shopping bags, the diaper bag and all our stuff. We got home and realized we'd left the stroller on the sidewalk! Jannie ran back downtown while I called our friend Rory's office since we'd left it right outside his office door. His secretary found it safe and sound on the sidewalk and pulled it inside for Jan to pick up. Whoops!

Jannie got me snuggled in my bassinet while mom was napping