
Mary Frances Borchard Heffernan was born at 4:41pm at Stanford Hospital
Weighing in at 7 lbs, 12 ozs. 20 1/4 inches

This is Auntie Ann filling in as a guest blogger since Mary and Heff don't have wireless in the hospital. This photo is our new Baby of the family Mary Frances Borchard Heffernan at 1 day old. And what a cutie she is. It's also the desktop photo on my laptop right now and I've been getting comments in my classes about what a beautiful baby my new niece is. We are all so happy to have a healthy baby girl and even though I'm in Nashville stuck at school until I come home in a month for a visit I love her already. Janet and John are proud grandparents, and Jan will now be known as "Jannie" to little Francie. Looks like all the prep and blogging has finally paid off and I'm sure Mary and Heff can't wait to get Francie home to her nursery.

I'll keep some updates coming until Mary gets back to her computer, thanks for reading :)