As ready as we'll ever be...

Or at least we think we are :) I'm sure that will all change when we have the baby and learn just how unprepared we really were! We randomly drove by a "Car Seat Checkpoint" this afternoon and had the sheriff's office sign off on our car seat installations (I guess you're really supposed to do this and usually have to make an appointment months in advance!) So we were lucky to happen upon it and they took the seat out completely and put it back in again, amazing how much tighter they can get them in there. Heff brought me home and took his truck back... so I missed the look on his face when the Sheriff opened the rear door of his Diesel F250 pick up truck, saw the Camo carseat and then the box of rifle shells in the door next to it! BUSTED! Heff explained he had them to "sight in his deer rifle" and they would be put away in the gun safe before we put a baby in the car. Babies and bullets don't mix :)

So here are some updated pictures of the nursery.

Our glider finally arrived (so much for the "quick ship"... it took 3 months!)

Lots more baby stuff in here since the first nursery pictures we took...

Changing table (we need to make the mobile a little higher or the baby will have giraffes in it's face)

We painted a bookshelf to house our ever growing collection of baby books and baby blankets...

loaded up...

Our room with the bassinet (yes, I like blue and No, we really don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl!)