The Neighborhood Shower

Georgia Carter threw a baby shower for Baby Heff and I on Saturday. We grew up next door to the Carter's and had the McKendry neighborhood ladies and some friends together to celebrate in the Carter's beautiful backyard. As if Georgia didn't have enough going on... Jill's wedding was two weeks ago in their backyard and she's been so busy helping take care of her triplet grandson's too! Thanks for everything you did Georgia, it was such a nice afternoon :) We got some really fun gifts for the baby and Heff and I are having fun putting stuff away and really getting ready to have a new baby in the house!

Georgia... the "Hostest-with-the-Mostest" :)

The table looked adorable

Mary and the ladies

Bethy and Kat

Baby Heff's bassinet Janet finished with all of our nice gifts

Mary and Kelly