Saturday Night Party Circuit

Janet and John had the Carter crew over for dinner Saturday afternoon... the triplets are getting big! It is fun to have Beth in town and always great to hang out with the Carter's like our old "Carter-Simo" Sunday night weekly dinners when we were growing up. Heff was in Napa all day Friday and Saturday for a continuing ed law class on wine law. He is such a good husband and dad-to-be that he didn't want to leave me overnight without him so he drove home Friday night and went back to Napa EARLY Saturday morning. I am so lucky to have a husband who takes such good care of me! So he arrived back in Menlo Park Saturday around 5pm when we were hanging out with babies at the Johnets. Then we were off to change for a big 60th Birthday Bash for Dave who Heff shares an office with. The party was over-the-top as we would expect from Dave! The theme was "David's Fun Trips" complete with all the amenities to make you feel like you were in Hawaii... fruity drinks (even virgin!), two Hawaiian bands, great food and lots of fun. Might have been one of our last big parties before the baby arrives! (pictures from Dave's party to follow, we didn't bring a camera knowing he'd have it covered:)

Pictures from the Johnet's Pizza Party...

Heff and Mary with Baby Dylan

Jerry Carter and Baby Danny

Georgia and Baby Drew

Bethy and Baby Drew

Ryan feeding Dylan