Baby Ann is in Croatia... (and she has a blog too!)

21 years ago....

My little sister (known better as "Baby Ann" by our family and even by her younger cousins) just arrived in Croatia for 8 weeks on a program for school. She is going to be a senior at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and LOVES to travel (the one thing we don't have in common). Last year she spent the first semester on a ship traveling around the world through a program called, appropriately, "Semester at Sea." We all love following her detailed accounts of her trip on her blogs. The new one is:

I am lucky to have a sister like Baby Ann, even though we are 8 years apart in age... she is my best friend and one of the funniest people I know. My brothers and I are all giving her a hard time to move back home immediately after she graduates next May... we all want her here to entertain us! She thinks she may stay an extra year at Vanderbilt to get a Masters degree in Childhood Development, which is her undergrad major. I keep reminding her she doesn't really like kids, but she says she just like to find out what's wrong with the little brats. :) Just kidding, Ann... you are great with kids and you're going to be a really great Aunt to Cletus!!

Some more old photos I found...

Have fun Baby Ann and be good!