The Nursery

Heff and I and Jan have been busy working on the nursery this weekend... and it's done! (at least 80% done, which is where we usually get to) We have a beautiful crib from my parents and a matching changing table from Tom & Claire (thanks grandparents-to-be!)

I wanted to paint something on the walls, after seeing a cute A-B-C border from a Pottery Barn photo shoot they did at the Johnets house for the next kids magazine. We got ABC bumbers in primary colors at PBK so I matched the colors and style of letters on a little flag border that says "Sweet Dreams" above the crib and will have the baby's initials above the spot where our rocker/glider goes (it hasn't been delivered yet). The only problem was after I painted the flags and lettering, I changed my mind on the wall color... three times!

SO finally Heff helped me pick a really light blue on Saturday that was perfect. We had a painting party Saturday night, Jan came over to help since my dad was out of town while Heff BBQ'ed rib eyes and made us dinner. Today Heff and I put up a "chair rail" molding aong the wall to finish off the final touches. We are excited to have a baby in our new baby room in less than three months!