Back from the Bahama's!

Heff and I just got back last night from an incredible trip to Musha Cay in the Bahamas. Our good friends were married on 05-06-07 and took us on a whirlwind four day weekend wedding extravaganza! We'll have some good stories to tell this baby when he/she is older about it's in-utero experiences in the Caribbean :) A few pictures from the trip...

Heff and Mare on the boat

Deep Sea Fishing for Dolphin Fish (Mahi Mahi) We went out on a boat a few miles off shore from our island to fish for an afternoon, my husband was in heaven! We pulled in a boat load of Mahi Mahi, most about 30-35 pounds, but the last fish Heff and I reeled in together (ok, he did most of the work but let me help for a little while:) was a 55-60 pound dolphin fish... the recorded biggest fish of it's kind ever caught is 72 pounds so needless to say it was a once in a lifetime fishing expedition. They cleaned the fish for us and sent them home on the plane packed in ice, more fresh sashimi than anyone could ever eat!

Look at that blue water!

Mary and the fisherwomen

Heff doing what he loves

Our trophys

A Day's Catch

Our house for the weekend "Blue Point," right next to the beach and heli-pad, we shared with another couple from the bay area who were also expecting a baby... Heff called it the incubator. :) The island only has housing for 24 people so guests were spread out between the houses on the island, yachts off-shore and a "tent city" on the beach. There was so much to do all weekend as you can see from the assortment of toys on the beach! There was an island scavenger hunt one morning and our team caught the competitive spirit to WIN (imagine that?) which we did but only after some much talked about stealing of golf cart keys!

The house we stayed in

The Beach (as we were leaving the clouds rolled in)

Looking out

View from the house

Setting up a Fireworks Show on the heli-pad in front of our house, with 600 tubes it was quite a show

Mare & Heff on our way to a Cinco de Mayo Party after Heff's haircut (see below!)

Mary's favorite part of the trip... the professional LA stylist Brandon Martinez (who was on the show Blowout!) came to do our hair for the wedding, including Heff's! My husband is a very good sport :) This pic was in our "living room"