One more try....

We had our third try at the Ultrasound pictures of the kidneys/lower spine today and this baby is way too comfortable hiding it's rear end in a corner! We were starting to get nervous that something was wrong but they said this is normal and happens sometimes, the tech just said it's probably a mellow baby who's comfortable in there... hopefully he or she isn't saving up for after it's born :) But we certainly aren't complaining about getting to see him or her on the big screen again. This time the tech was so nice said "Since we can't get a good shot we might as well have fun" and showed us lots of angles of the baby. He or she was moving one hand by it's face and actually waving the fingers around, it was amazing to see every bone in the hand already formed. The other hand was down by it's right side and then the legs were contorted back up towards the head (Vaulter in training Ann?:) The coolest thing we watched was the baby's mouth moving up and down like it was sucking or trying to swallow fluid, we couldn't believe how big and real Baby Heff seems already. We're due to go back for another try next week on Wednesday afternoon after our trip to the Bahama's! We leave tonight and are so excited for some sun and fun with friends. We'll post when we return!!