Walking in A Small Town

Friday night we decided to walk to downtown Palo Alto for dinner together as a family :) We went for Sushi, my first raw fish since being pregnant. Then we kept walking to try a new ice cream/yogurt place called "Fraiche" and since it was nice weather out and we were in a walking mood we kept right on walking to downtown Menlo Park! We knew Janet and John were at a holiday party at Vida in downtown Menlo so we set that as a destination and set to walking. Francie was in the stroller smiling and sleeping, the two things she does best.

Here she is bundled up in the stroller for our walk... she loves to look at the Eric Carle animal bumpers Jannie got for her stroller (she got tired of looking at the "warning" label all day:)

As soon as we hit downtown Menlo, I remembered that this really is a small town... We knew 8 out of the 10 people we saw coming out of Left Bank and stopped to show off Francie and visit with friends, neighbors, clients, employees... we saw a few of each :) Then we made our way to Bistro Vida and Jannie was thrilled to see Francie tapping on her shoulder!

We headed home and crashed on the couch after at least a 6 mile round trip.