How Do You Wake a Sleeping Baby?

Today was "Landscpe-the-Front-Yard-Day" and started bright and early for Heff and Francie. They were up at 7am and Dad bundled her up for their errands...

Most of the plants ready to go in the ground (Heff apparently laid these out one-handed while he held the sleeping beauty... I was still sleeping too:)

Francie slept through two hours of running errands with Dad and was still knocked out when they came home at 9:30

We all piled in the car to get rocks for the front yard by the fence at "the dirt store"

Francie continued to sleep...

Now this should wake her up right? Heff is cutting the wire on this flat of ROCKS to be dumped into the bed of the truck

Still sleeping!

Then out of the car again to walk around the nursery for a few more plants

And still sleeping!

After checking to make sure she still breathes and taking a few layers off of her (it's warm out by now!) the little snoozer heads home