New lunch spot

Francie and I had lunch Monday with our friends Alexis and James (two and a half) at a new restaurant that just opened this weekend at the Allied Arts Guild called The Red Currant. It is always great to viit with Alexis and the restaurant was really good if any local blog readers are looking for a new lunch spot!

Francie getting ready for lunch... this onesie is so cute, Alexis and James gave it to Francie and it has a pink ribbon attatched that ties in a bow in the back so Francie looks like she is wrapped up like a present!

James kept saying "She's so cute!"

We played outside in the garden by the fountain for awhile too


Francie just chillin at home after lunch and some errands in her Juicy suit from Aunt Mimi

"Thanks Aunt Mimi! Now I look like my cousins! Except Cousin Emmy, why does your Juicy look like the Target knock off since the "J" zipper pull broke and turned itself into an "I"... you better get that fixed Cuz."