Wedding in Tahoe

Our good friends Kevin and Heather got married Saturday up at Lake Tahoe. It was a beautiful wedding on the lake and lots of Heff's friends from UC Davis and Red Bluff were there to celebrate. Heather looked beautiful and the reception was perfect, great food and great friends to share their day.

Family photo :)

Claire and Kat on the shuttle ride over to the wedding from the resort

Heather the beautiful bride and her brother

"Look at that pretty bride!"

Kevin the groom!

All dressed up in my wedding best from Jane Flynn

Mary Christensen with Mary Frances

"Other Mary", Heff and Tyler

Having fun at the reception in her PJs

The Edwards Boys and their ladies

Johnny walked by Heff holding Francie and dabbed her nose in cake frosting! Trying to make her cross-eyed Johnny?!

Dad made it all better and liked it off her nose... of Francie could talk she'd say "GROSS DAD!"

"But you are pretty funny Dad"

Back at the Resort at Squaw Creek for the afterparty... Francie the night owl never stops!

We woke up to 4 inches of snow! It was beautiful and Francie's first time to see snow (I'm sure she'll remember it well:)