First Animals... Sheep!

I couldn't go very long without getting some kind of hay eating specimen on this ranch. I'd been checking Craigslist and on the drive back with Heff I spotted them... Three BIG HORN SHEEP!!!  


Janie is obsessed with big horn sheep for some off reason (well nothing surprises you with this kid) so for her birthday Heff ordered her a matching big horn sheep shirt likes his (the one she insists he wear everyday) to go with her "real fake BB guns" and new red boots.  

Seeing as her birthday was Tuesday this week - I plotted a plan... Heff is so happy to be a rancher up here - most every answer I get is "sure whatever you want to put on the ranch" (Yes I know this will work against me at some point;) 

so I called a guy about some sheep, we went to look at them secretly while Em kept JJ and Tess- planning to bring one home if I could talk Heff into it... but then we realized they are a heritage breed of rams and we can breed them easily if we get ewes... but if we only got one and it died... and if we only got two it would leave a lonely guy behind (unicorn dude)... So I haggled the price down and all three rams climbed up in our trailer :)  yes!!!!


you fellas are coming with us - and thanks to the nicest man who spent an hour with us answering our "we have no clue about this breed" questions and even following up to check in on them - Maisie gave him a picture she and Francie drew of the unicorn one "to remember his sheep after they leave" and he told us he taped it to his fridge - nicest people everywhere you turn up here!


Maisie helping load them in - ceremoniously the first livestock in the trailer 



we got home and JJ was still napping - but stirring enough I pulled her out if bed to come see her surprise. The big girls were SO excited to see her reaction. She was half awake with no shoes on and brought her blanket out...


big horn sheep JJ! actually they are Navajo Churro Rams... But to JJ they are the real deal ;) she was and is soooooo excited with her sheep. 


Welcome to your new home Cheif Big Horn (JJ's unicorn ram), Geronimo (Maisie's named after aunt minis horse and keeping the Navajo thing going) and Eugene (Francie's pick. Just because) we are glad you are ours! 
