Ranch Week with Kids - Part I



we've had an awesome week up here. I might never leave :)


Monday morning Heff and I frantically caught up at work and checked in everywhere - then loaded up to head back up north! Emmy and I drove in her car following Heff and the girls In the truck and trailer. We had so much fun listening to her Mormon General conference tapes on family, and drinking my diet coke. So Mormon! ;) we stopped at Home Depot and Target since we are faster than the trailer. 


11am departure with stops we pulled into fort jones at 7:30pm - stopped at Lalo's for Mexican!


got here to set up beds at 9pm. It was cold! Fire in the wood stove and fleece buffalo plied in the beds. Cozy. 


this kid's last night being TWO!


morning fun found a petrified dead owl to play with. And dead birds. Yummy. 


Jannie sent up a ride on horsey!



and for JJ's birthday - we went to dinner at Dolly's with Aunt Kat, Donald, Oliver and Lauren. Ice cream all around!


for her birthday she got real fake BB guns and new red boots. And a big horn sheep shirt like the one dad has she is obsessed with :) and the big present needs it's own blog post next


happy birthday JJ!
