Scoping Things Out

We came up to Red Bluff for Bull Sale weekend and drove a little farther to check out the ranch Thursday and Friday!


it's only another two hours from Red Bluff so we hung out at Oma's in the morning and played in the barn - Moose came too!


then this little darling barfed everywhere on the drive up ;) poor baby! But she rallied 


the girls were off and running as soon as we arrived while Heff and I were assessing what we need to do to fix up one of the houses to live in when we come up here


it's going to take some work! A little more work than we thought once we looked at them without all the furniture - I'll post more when I download my real camera pics - but lots of fun to think about home improvement project possibilities!


and lots of #dirtandsunshine for these wannabe ranch kids



Maisie with her Taco Bell taco she called a "chip burrito" - tailgates and Taco Bell... Pretty happy!


and Francie got pretty cozy in a tractor wheel!​


we have officially become a "no small vehicle" family. If you call a suburban small ;) we traded my suburban for a truck and got this awesome lifted white ranch truck to leave up here. I'm not complaining! (When I met Heff his friends teased my lifted Tahoe was bigger than his truck ;)


and it's also a kitty house (or something) the girls played on for an hour


JJ found dogs to hug, pull around and ride - who don't have puppy teeth!


we went on a walk a walk and found a great trail above the houses overlooking the pastures. Tiny wanted a ride;)


the girls named the trail "Moose Track" since he lead us to it and Maisie said "mom! Come see the most beautiful view on the ranch!" (But it gets even better higher up! This is down close to the road)


sunset on Fort Jones as we head to dinner in Etna at the Etna Brewing Company. I should have taken a group photo but we had SUCH a fun dinner with our new neighbors! They live on the ranch right next door and have three kids who are 15, 13 and 10. Both parents went to Davis and were there when Heff was there! They gave us the scoop on raising pigs for FFA and 4H here. The kids had a blast with really sweet "big kids" - can't wait to hang out with them more often when we come up!


and we checked into our little motel room in Etna.


It's cozy! Maisie was so excited to come back here since they have "real keys and weird phones" ha!


the girls got to watch a little TV - treehouse masters or something... Hope they were inspired to "Tony's Hard Work Day" their own while Heff and I are busy fixing the houses!


this kid kept us entertained all night. As usual. She puts Tiny's diapers on herself from a standing position (see above) even though she's been potty trained for a year. Any kid who can successfully do that should probably not be wearing one JJ. 


looking forward to another fun day tomorrow!
