Our Honeymoon

Our Road Trip Honeymoon! July 23-August 7, 2006

From a post July 2006: "We fly out Sunday July 23 in the afternoon after a post-wedding brunch and will have time to relax (finally!) at the Four Seasons before heading out on a road trip through Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and back through California. We ordered a new car (a new black Suburban!) we are hoping to have delivered to Wyoming so we can drive it back home as a married couple :) We're really excited for our laid-back, family-packed, road trip honeymoon!!

We landed 24 hours later than expected at the Four Seasons Jackson Hole after a few flight delays...

and picked up our new car there (Don drove it out to WY for us and left it at the valet!)

The second night in Jackson Hole we sent thank you letters out to everyone who helped us celebrate our wedding day. Seemed like an easy task until we realized we had a LOT of friends at our wedding!

Jackson, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Bend and Tahoe
We'll stay in lodges along the way through the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone as we make our way out to Bend Oregon for the Heffernan Family Reunion in Black Butte Friday-Tuesday July 28-Aug 1! Then we'll head down to Lake Tahoe for the Simonson family vacation at Brockway Springs on the Lake. We're looking forward to all of it!

Fly Fishing in Idaho
We had so much fun on our honeymoon! Brian got me all set up with all the gear I needed and we spent a lot of our time fly fishing in some beautiful places along the way. We managed to put over 2,000 miles on our new suburban (we love it!) on back roads and two lane highways from Wyoming to California. Brian was very patient teaching me how to fly fish and I even caught my first fish!

Idaho Rocky Mountain Lodge
The Lodge where we stayed for three nights in Idaho and took day fly fishing trips from here. It had great meals, good wine (despite the 22% alcohol tax in Idaho!), nice people and awesome views. This is a photo of the Main Lodge which was surrounded by 22 indivdual cabins.

Boise, Idaho
Brian and I visited Cloverdale Cemetary and Mortuary on our drive from Stanley, Idaho to Oregon, where my gradparents are buried (my dad's parents). My cousin Tim owns the mortuary and we were hoping to catch him so he could meet Brian. Tim is a big hunter and breeds reindeer at the cemetary!

Heffernan Family Reunion!
Black Butte, OR
We landed in Black Butte on Monday during the second week of our honeymoon for the Heffernan Family Reunion. We were there for 4 days and had a great time with all of the Heffernans!
more fly fishing w Oma and Aunt Francy too!

Brockway Springs, Lake Tahoe
Wednesday we drove from Bend OR to Lake Tahoe, CA for the Simonson family vacation. We stayed at Brockway Springs where my family has been going every year since I was 4 months old :)
a little gambling of course
and lots of sun by the pool
always meant to photoshop the weird 12 year old girl out from this one...

and then home to start our life together! Just...