Feeling Pregnant...

I am feeling a lot more pregnant all of the sudden! My belly is getting bigger and I can barely wear my old jeans, even with a hair-band tied through the button hole. I've been taking it easy coming home early from work to hang out at home and I am so lucky to have a husband who takes such good care of me. The baby is kicking all the time now and it makes it seem so much more real. Heff has even felt the kicks a few times now, but he gets a little offended when I saw "Feel right here!" and then of course the baby stops kicking. We are affectionately calling this poor child "Cletus the Fetus" which started as a joke but it's stuck! To explain... our neighbor's (the Carters) grandfather was Cletus, a great guy, with an unusual name :) Heff had been telling people who inquired about what we would name out baby "It's going to be Cletus." My sister took this a little too far calling the baby Cletus the Fetus and now everything is all about Cletus! In case you're wondering, we do have names picked out and neither a girl or boy will be Cletus (maybe the next one:)