Cluck Truck


We are working on turning an old truck that was on the property into a Cluck Truck for the chickens to roost in at night. We designed it on the fly but I think it is turning out great! Heff did the box on the dump truck part on back - it even has sky lights!! And the girls and I painted and painted. It is no small job :) we will add roosting poles inside, laying boxes and a feeding system tomorrow. Hope you are ready for real rotating pasture life chickens!

This was the truck before we started yesterday. Needs a little love but good bones. 


The girls helped me paint. We started with red enamel spray paint. 


But it wasn't covering enough and was a little too red do we switched to a can of barn red I bought for the pig structure Heff built but I forgot to get primer paint so it went to this project. 


The girls took a break in the ranger at nap time. Francie erected a shade tent over it for them ;) tomatoes and goldfish crackers for snacks kept them occupied awhile. 


Francie did a good job helping to watch her sisters so we could keep working all afternoon. 


And JJ helped rip the wood siding. She's not sure how she feels about this. 


Ahhh little kids and paint. There were a few long baths after this. 


Heff built a strong frame around the existing sides and then added this plywood siding. 


And Maisie worked SO hard with us out in the hot sun all afternoon. She insisted on finishing the paint job even all the way at the top. 


She was covered in red paint but pretty happy to be helping. 


Getting there. Paint done now for the roof


There we go - even has skylights to wake them up in the morning!


Good work Heff ;) part 1 is done!
