Saturday at the Ranch

We had a fun day working and hanging out in Fort Jones Saturday! Our neighbors the Blacks son had a baseball hand in town at 11am so after our morning chores (moving water lines every 12 hours!) we went to the elementary school field to watch some little league. 


the girls were enamored with Will and Bryce ;)


but early that morning when we were watering Heff gave me the chore to go retrieve this giant wheel sprinkler from the other side of the fields. I tied it on with bailing twine best I could - not having high hopes this would work 


but after a re-giger higher on the four wheeler and a mad dash through the pivot sprinkler I made it!


girls walking the fields having sister talks


tiny was super proud she got her dada glove on ;)


way up in the air


then Saturday night we went over to the blacks to dye eggs with them and another family. They had a serious egg dying set up! JJ was on cloud nine with her crush Bryce ("Brwyce you make really good eggs" "Brwyce wanna show me your bedroom?" !! Oh geez JJ )


tiny getting in on the action 


I brought our Ukrainian egg dyes. Always a hit for dark vibrant eggs. 


and since we failed Friday night with a cake, the big girls and I made fun-fetti and brought it to sing happy birthday to Maisie!
