Catching Up Around the Ranch

Wow it's not as easy to keep up with the old blog up here living #ranchlife! I don't think I've been on my laptop in months - I have been keeping up with daily life via Instagram (on the side bar) but I'm still trying to figure out how to post those to the blog in an easier way. For now... Here's an update!

This guy is pretty happy and working his tail off to build up the infrastructure of our ranch for what we want to do. That mean a lot of fence building, fence fixing and water management running pipes and wells and pumps and WATER. He's doing a pretty awesome job at it all!


We got our two Bulls delivered last week. We haven't officially named them but it's either Harry and Lloyd or Dozer and Ferdinand (so I can say that's my bull, Dozer. Get it? ;) they are beautiful animals! And we branded our M5 brand on them - very official. 


We also got a new group of piglets - berkshires and red wattles. We will raise these ones for 'product' (as in bacon) - our breeder mamas are the GOS spotted pigs. 


And our fall calving season is almost done. Our 68 momma cows have almost all had their babies. It's been so much fun to see! We've had three sets of twins and lost one baby early on. We are bottle feeding one of the twins in the barn but the others are all pretty happy and healthy (with a few fixes here and there)


We finally got some RAIN!!! And pretty awesome rainbows too. 


And rain on the ground means snow on Mount Shasta. The drought has been so bad the mountain was bare dirt a few weeks ago when the little bit of snow on there had all melted. 


And we got a new pivot last week too!! This giant sprinkler will give us more pasture to farm and put our cows on and make a pretty green 'lawn' in the spot where we want to build a house someday. 


Dixie is getting bigger and drives us crazy trying to cross the road to the 'action' everyday but the girls love her. We miss our MoosieBoy a lot, JJ talks about him daily. 


Our turkeys are getting fatter. They might be small at thanksgiving so we might let them live to see Christmas. We have Bourbon Reds, Narragansetts and Royal Palms. 


And we've got 4-5 roosters in the bunch of 130 chickens!! They sure are pretty - but as the girls say 'pretty useless'. They think it's funny that on a ranch the male animals are not as needed - the females seem to do all the work!! (Except their dad of course ;)


And the big project right now is building new corrals. The old ones were beautiful with pieced together old wood and beams but a little too worn out to hold big momma cows and Bulls. Heff is remaking them all with metal pipe welded together. They won't be going anywhere!


Our GOS or Gloucestershire Old Spots are almost big enough to breed. We are getting some farrowing huts for them hopefully soon since pigs gestation is short. 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days!


We've had lots of visitors who are still hanging tough in the bunk house even with the temperature drops - everybody is so willing to help with chores, we love it!


And the leaves are changing giving us a gorgeous show that's different everytime you look. We sure feel lucky to live here in this beautiful place!
