OUTER SPACE - with The Novogratz Family!

We just opened a pop-up gallery in Los Altos called OUTER SPACE in collaboration with Bob & Cortney Novogratz from NYC and it was really 'out of this world'! I have been a big fan and follower of the Novogratz for a long time - I went to college with Bob's brother and traveled with his sister Jacquline. I followed their shows "9 by Design" on Bravo and "Home by Novogratz" and love their books, their style and their kids names :) They have 7! Wolfie, Bellamy, Tallulah, Breaker, Five, Hollader and Major. They are pretty much my idols (I mean SEVEN kids in NYC and they do all this uber cool stuff?!)

So when a space in Los Altos came available for a short pop-up during the summer street closure - and next to the newly opened Botanist - my wheels started spinning (Heff hates when they do that :) I contacted Bob to see if they had any interest in a West Coast gallery to showcase a curated collection of art they love. They were excited about the idea so we started working together remotely for a few months to bring it all together! Here is a sneak peek at the final result!

They came out last week to bring it all together and it was a super exciting week/weekend. We had deliveries coming everyday from the floors from London designer Richard Woods to the art on the walls to some of their own collection from CB2 like the FAMILY light boxes (sold out online but we have 2 for sale!) and the Breaker chair. Francie helped me unbox with them one afternoon and got to meet Cortney

They arrived on opening day of The Botanist and we were excited to show them our hard-earned flea market finds... they love a good hunt as much as we do!

We had dinner at our house Thursday night - Bellamy was so sweet to entertain the girls half the night. They were enamored with her (until Breaker and Holly stole the show with the skateboard lessons)

Marty cooked some burgers up for the crowd since it was our weekly Thursday night Alley tasting anyway! Everyone LOVED the lamb burger this week.

we showed them a good California backyard BBQ style

I tried not to take too many photos and be annoying - but I kept looking over thinking "Is that really Cortney Novogratz at my house holding my baby?!" eeeeee ;)

and the boys gave us a skateboard show - what's the only thing more dangerous than skateboarding down a hill? trying to jump a stool while doing it!

tiny tess got a front row seat and was cracking up :)

probably thinking "are these kids CRAZY?!"

Francie setting up Holly for the jump... success!

cool dudes Friday before the big opening!

we made up some t-shirts for the opening at The Makery! I was a little star struck to see my logo on a shirt with theirs :) they are way cooler but certainly fun to work with!!

people were gathering out front to check out what was going on in this bright colored, beautiful new space!

the floors are my favy. and that baby too ;)

and last minute spray paint duties... we had these "twiggy things" in Heff's old office no one really ever liked except me :) We called them the duck blind! But needed some barrier for the last minute parking lot patio we made for the party - so white flat paint with pink tips spruced up the duck blinds! (and covered my arms, legs, hands and HAIR in paint, oops.)

and photos of our opening night party - coming next post!