I took a little mom-cation in the beginning of May to check out a couple places for work and meet up with some friends in Italy. It was an awesome trip!! Only problem was Brian was too busy to go so we had to divide and conquer. He also had a solo camping trip with Francie planned so he took Francie and crazy I mean JJ. I took Maisie and Tess and we headed off on a big adventure.

First stop was London! I had never been to Europe in my life - so there was lots to check off the list! We were total tourists and hit all the hot spots in between work research.




Maisie and her lomo

Buckingham Palace. Maisie called it the castle with guards that change.

Gardens - all in bloom!

ice cream in the park (trying to keep them awake)

we landed in London at 9am local time (midnight at home) so we tried to power the kids through the day and get on the time zone. Maisie was fading by the early afternoon but we kept pushing through!

Me and my tiny at Big Ben!

walking and walking the streets of London

ridiculously pretty tulips (and you too Tiny :)

feeding the ducks and checking out the "eye"

can't wait to get this film developed :)

we got the kids fed and to sleep early and it was time for some shopping! (with to go cups of course)

the next morning we went back for more shopping to harvey nicols right across rom our hotel - the kids picked out their own outfits. This was Maisie's choice

breakfast on the deck

and despite our best efforts at beating jet lag... we were all up at 2:30am

and one of the best surprises of the trip - Opa Bob and Aunt Francy were in London too! They overlapped a day with us so we spent the morning walking around the park, getting hot dogs and ice cream and playing for hours in the fountain. It was so great to catch up with them - especially ina foreign country!

Fountain fun

poor tiny

Maisie warmed up to the water in the Princess Diana Memorial fountain and was all over it!

and we're off to the next stop!

traveling clothes

waiting for our train

like a train going to Paris...

2 hours 20 minutes of countryside

and sticker books!