
Bike to school Fridays in full effect! Takes a little nudge getting up the hills but they rock it with Heff

Tess has two bottom teeth and one top tooth and loves to eat anything she can get her hands on!

we had our new neighbors over for dinner one night before I went out of town - EIGHT girls under 7 is crazy but so much fun! We love this family!!

we got fancy for dessert - ice cream containers and spoons while the kids sat on the counter

this Double BOB serves us well - it's always doubled up!

Emmy rocks it with these four! (and Francie's class doll who we had to photograph on his adventures all day)

six dirty kids in the tub - creek play makes for some mud!

TESS started sleeping through the night! We finally took the crib apart and moved it into her own room. MAGIC. Why I didn't do it sooner I have no idea. We went from 5-8 times up a night to allll nightttttt longgggg. Love that sleeping baby in a onesie :)

the last iPhone pic before I went on a trip to Europe with only half my babies! It was a looong 12 days and I missed my team all together but had some fun travels. That post next!