More Red Bluff

More photos from our fun trip to Red Bluff with lots of friends! It was way such a blast - 9 kids and 6 adults and lots of miles, dirt, cocktails and fun!

Green Hills

Susan and kiddies

going fishing in the pond

big girls

new fishing spot!

canoe ride

the best part - model rocket testing for Red Racer. Check out this awesome picture Susan took - rocket in air

"horsey" rides - with the giant RV in the background ;)

kids on the hillside

and Saturday morning Heff and Susan put us to shame by getting up and going for a 10K on the river!

sidecars in the afternoon (might not have been 5pm yet)

quad fisting with the ergo baby

heading home! The RV trip - even with no AC on the way there, crazy kids, having to drive 55 so it took 6 hours was AWESOME.

sleepy D

we took turns in the captain's chair

lady pose JJ after a day on the ranch

until next time Red Bluff!