Tiny Eats

We started Tess on baby food this month! I waited til 6 months with Francie and Maisie but JJ was ready at 5 months (and helped her sleep better!) so we tried Tess too. She was smacking her lips looking at food and seemed hungry for something more. I tried a bottle last month too, and a few times since but she refuses - but now that she takes food she can stay with Emmy in the mornings while I go to work which is great for both of us! :) She loves apples, pears and bananas. Not a fan of rice cereal or squash yet. We tried a yummy one at Bumble last night

ah the messy baby feeding stage - fun to start... then you have to do this THREE times a day? ;)

bananas - she likes it I swear.

and she LOVES the new Big Dipper Baby Food we are carrying at Bumble now!! can't get enough :) (post on home page)