Heff Happenings

The Heff's happenings as of lately... :)

Brian took Francie to the Stanford Women's basketball game last Sunday - the Agnich girls had two floor seat tickets and couldn't go so they offered them to us! Heff thought it would be fun for a little Dad date with France - she loved seeing GIRLS playing sports (although they sat in the bleachers so they could get snacks the whole game :)

Tessa has been getting so much personality! She still doesn't love to sleep at night but she does take good naps in the morning and afternoon - we are almost on somewhat of a schedule, shocker for me ;)

play at PLAY last week. Francie wore a fancy dress (this particular one was from James and Em's wedding as the flower girl:) every day of the week. Then after her adventures with her Dad she found custom cowgirl JEANS and came home to tell me "no more fancy dresses for me!"

Walking downtown for family dinner at Bumble - 4 deep in the stroller (this thing is a tank)

Friday night run to the hardware store after dinner. I started Operation red Wagon project at 5:30pm when it was just getting dark, Heff was nice enough to go along with it and then I ran out of spray paint 80% of the way through! OSH at 8:30pm looked like this:

Sunday morning I went to the Alameda Antique faire with Tess and my "A Team" Rashelle/Sara from work and Emmy the baby whisperer and Christian the picker/filter for waht I want to buy :) We had such a fun trip!

and then I snuck in an afternoon nap and woke up to this - Heff is such a good dad, he had Tess in the Bjorn for hours AND the Superbowl was on! But he was stomp rocketing it up with the girls outside. I just sat on the step smiling watching this for awhile :)

that's a happy Daddy's girl

they worked on this GoCart project while I was in Alameda. Francie designed it on paper and they used the milk cartons we can't seem to get rid of. We took it on a maiden voyage walk to Shoup but had a technical difficulty (axel fell off) and had to return to the pit at home to fix it

and big news around here - Francie is all registered for KINDERGARTEN!!!

nightly routine - beers and bottles! keeps us sane ;)