JJ's Birthday Party

Francie and Maisie threw JJ a "Doggie" birthday party with family on Monday night for her 2nd birthday. Francie stayed up late setting up the scene... "SO. there will be a photo booth in that area, a doggie crawl game in that area, food and snacks in that area, adult stuff in that area..." Brian looked at me and goes "Get used to it!" (just like her mom ;) JJ loved her party and her sisters did a cute job making her feel special and TWO!

opening her presents in the morning

Francie decorated...

this is the photo booth ;)

love her "snack station"

even Oma and Opa came to celebrate JJ! She was very excited to see them

we made pizzas in the pizza oven! been giving it a breaking in but will do more as the weather gets better - learning a little more every time from Jannie

photos by Maisie

and wouldn't be a party without Lindabobbi!!

and Kiss-tain, James and Em with Scarlett!

dancing puppy dog (lots of doggie gifts)

thank you hugs for Maisie and Jannie

cute Emmy and tired looking Tess

UJ and Luke were so nice to make the trip over the hill too!

Happy Birthday to our JJ

birthdays, arrows, rainbows.. and JJ! all my favs ;)