This Week

Just some photos! We tried real food for Tessa - Maisie was very excited to help. Apple sauce was the choiuce - didn't go over so well as you can see ;) 

Assembly line after bathtime

Crazy Maisie!

and the daily walk to school...

rolling up in their chariot

ready to LEARN - or play. whatever :)


tried to get Maisie to give up the binky "for lent" but we are at least down to only in bed. small steps (Francie said she thougth Tess should give up boob for lent #justwantstogiveherabottle)

dentist appointment = no personal space. Learning about teeth cleaning while mom texts on her phone about work, uses one hand to keep the baby happy in her seat on the floor, endures teeth cleaning and let's Francie use the water sucker thing. 

Dad's turn