Tessa's First Birthday!

We celebrated Tiny Tess' FIRST birthday at home with family on her big day. ABA was in town and the girls spent the whole night following her around :)

and Scarlett, James and Em were here too so Scar got lots of cousin holding, like it or not!

I'm ONE!

Jannie, Grampa and thier girlies (Tess was napping - ha)

cooking in the kitchen with my cute hubs

family dinner table

Em, Ann and babies (three if you count Baby W in the belly!)

cake time. Our family tradition... angel food cake with whipped cream and mother's animal cookies

proud big sis

you ready for this Tiny!?

final product

Happy Birthday to you Tiny

sweet baby girl... not such a bay anymore!

cake time

good thing you got big sisters to teach you how to "smash cake"


and what's a first birthday without a few sparklers

they picked their own party dresses - Shigo hand-me-downs, still a little big!

and down goes JJ

Happy Birthday Tess!