Christmas Morning 2012

I feel like I could just post that picture above and call it a day. Francie holding the baby like a good big sis, Maisie poking her in the mouth (why do they love to do that?) and Janie - Janie is just SO NUTS! This face sums her up - from the moment she wakes up to when she crashes in her crib - she's crazy. and I love it! Christmas morning everybody woke up around 8:30 and waited for Mom and Tess - they sat at the top of the stairs (I decided this has to be a yearly tradition, we'll see if they get too fast next year) and then ran down to find Santa had eaten the cookies, drank the milk (last year it was beer - way better idea) and left presents!

walking down the stairs 0 being careful, making Grampa proud

almsot there...

the loot!

camp chairs - guess who did the shopping?

France was super excited about her make-a-quilt #itsinthegenes

Maisie got the remote control flying UFO she really wanted but was more excited for Tess to get a playmat

and JJ got a baby doll in a tutu but she was off and running for the camo head warmer thing (does it even have a name?)

letter from santa left out!

not complaining since Heff made his list and checked off most of the Christmas shopping - even if the "shrill whistle" has been driving me insane multiple times a day

ruffle butt sleepers

there's the tutu doll dancing on the playmat

and our awesome, super sweet housekeeper Gladys gave the girls each a really thoughtful gift. When I went through what we had for each girl with Heff I was worried "but we don;t have that 'really-big-box-full-of-plastic-awesomeness' they really want. Gladys checked this box perfectly :)

my favorite contribution this year was Tegu wooden magnetic blocks, you can't really EVER beat Magna-tiles (which we got more of thanks to Oma - they are always fighting for more squares!) but these Tegu blocks are super cool too

Maisie changed mid-morning. into a summer dress. it's cool.

"pick-cha fwames"

It's like Lincoln Logs married Magnatiles

We had an awesome rest of the day hanging out (in my new slippers, thanks Heff!) playing with toys, cleaning up wrapping paper and going through a big stack of new Christmas cards

want a ride?

snuggling with Tiny looking at the tree with the heat on high and christmas music playing. the best!

Then ABA, Pat, Jannie, Grampa, Big Uncle Jerry and Little Uncle Jerry came over to our house for a mellow Christmas dinner - Prime rib on the BBQ! I think I was all pictured out but here are a couple when they got there

love the gift wrap job Jannie/ABA!