Getting ready for Christmas

The stocking were hung by the chimney with care... and Jannie has a lot of work to catch up on needlepointing stockings! haha - kidding JanKnit :) We got the house decorated and Christmas playlist plugged in the ipod to get us all in the spirit, just a few random photos of Christmas at our house - the first year in a new house and as a family of six :)

First tree in the new house

colored lights on the fence (Heff's favorite :) and Santa hand-me-down from Jannie on the porch

Horse and carriage drop off!

and the New Baby tree Jannie made for Tessa - all her own sweet ornaments in red and silver. love it Jannie!

and my FAVORITE part of December - all the pretty holiday cards we get from friends. There are some pretty creative ones this year! I ran out of room but maybe should have rethought where to hang them since I've covered the windows and I never take them down until February

and the Thursday before Christmas the girls were already out of preschool and Emmy was sick - I had a million things to cross of my list before the ball started rolling down the holiday hill the next day so the girls all piled on my at Bumble while I worked on my laptop. It's not like we have a PLAYROOM there or anything :)