Nutcracker: Guiding Light

We were SO proud of Francie for her leading role in the preschool performance of the nutcracker! She was the Guiding Light of the Angels and took her role very seriously. They had a teacher as the roll in the past since the Guiding Light motions for all of the angels to do their parts - but since Francie is a full head taller than anyone else in the school she was the perfect choice :) Oma drove down just to see the play and Jannie and Grampa came too. It was a fun night and our first of hopefully many school performances - my favorite!

Dad helping Francie get in her costume which included a battery pack for her headband LED lights - high tech preschool costumes :) Heff is getting good at these fixing-hair type Dad duties!

very supportive Grandparents ready to watch the stage star

waiting to go backstage with her buddies Chase and Lizzy

her BFF Lizzy - her right hand angel too :)

The play was only 4/5 year olds in Preschool and Transitional K so Maisie in the 3's group and William in K were on the sidelines happy to watch their siblings

enthralled crowd ;)

and it starts

watching from the sidelines with PJed JJ and Tess

here come the angels!

can you see Francie

great show France :)