Welcome Scarlett James!

I have a new niece - the first on my side of the family!! My brother James and his wife Emily had their first baby girl on Friday January 25 at 6:14am, 7 pounds 4 ounces at Stanford Hospital. She was one day past her due date and Emily had a super quick and easy labor - just 3 hours! (not jealous or anything ;) Scarlett is adorable and the girls can't wait to meet her. CONGRATS James and Em!!!

I got to hold her when she was 11 hours old - sooo sweet!

good job mom!

proud grandparents of their FIFTH baby girl granddaughter

it's a tie for who looks more beautiful in this photo - Emmy or Scarlett :)

little beauty

love the news feed from Instagram - my brother posting Scarlett going home this afternoon

breaking out of the joint

welcome home Scarlett James!