Palau Part II

We arrived on the boat in our hot sweaty traveling clothes but quickly changed into shorts, tshirts, threw our shoes in the shoe basket and didn't see them again for the whole week! Palua was an awesome place to explore, find new animals, swim/paddle/surf, find coves and treasures and to just relax with lousy internet and lots of time with the girls. The were traveling troopers and did pretty well with the 17 hour time change! We were up early for a few sunsets but in bed early for another full day of fun.

Tessa and her buddy Zane - only a few weeks apart

First excursion to the beach - we found a little cove near the boat. JJ loves it and the crystal clear waters

family shot (Tessa was napping on the boat) we are a little pale to be in bathing suits still ;)

Francie trying windsurfing - she did pretty well!

Maisie just liked jumping off the board

Maisie and her buddy heading off in the sunset

Francie insisted I Stand-Up-Paddle board with her - it was a little challenging but we managed not to topple

big girls

ready to go tubing behind the tender - brave girls!

barking out "hold on to this side!" orders :)

love this shot of Maisie

our friend Alicia - the awesome boat school teacher! not afraid to jump in and swim with Maisie. Or paddle her little bum around in a kayak!

Tessa ready to hit the beach

JJ drying off with Max

the pirate ship!

Daddy and Francie

nighttime is my favorite time on the boat to hang out, have a sidecar (we taught the crew how to make good ones!) and play with the kids until they crash from swimming their little bums off all day. Tess and I dancing

one day we explored "Zero beach" most of the day and did some sports olympics on the beach -

Zero Beach cove

going for the sporty look - too bad I'm not sporty enough to pull it off!

snorklers and playing shark with JJ

sweet Maisie

Dad and JJ, sweet face J

we had to comemorate the first day of 2013!

Giant sea cucumber!

Dad and his girls - pretty happy in the water for hours

and another giant squishy cucumber that spits out sticky glue stringy stuff when you disturb it - crazy! The strings got on one of the kids' nets and never came off

sun going down

Dad and JJ playing in the sand

beach bum

and a good dad making sure he covers those privates :)

sunset family kayak but Francie just wanted to swim next to us the whole time!

showers back on the boat - storm clouds moved in most afternoons!

Max showing the girls the sea cucumber he found - this one didn't spit sticky goo

Big sis and bright eyes

On the boat to go see one of the COOLEST thing I have ever seen - Jellyfish lake! Francie warned us she didn't like jellyfish, but we didn't think she was serious

we took the tender to a hiking trail and hiked up and over a mini-mountain

to the "Mysterious Jellyfish Lake" where 8-40 MILLION Jellyfish live in a tiny lake that don't sting liek normal jellies

getting ready to jump in

Francie says "Mom I'm not going in I DO NOT like jellyfish"

Dad taking JJ and Maisie out

there weren't any jellies on the edge of the lake - you had to swim to the middle to find them

I swam Francie out until she started crying and whining "I don't like Jellyfish! I'm going back!" I took a minute to adjust my goggles and caught her trying to secretly swim back to the dock ;) we still didn't take her seriously - I mean once she SAW a jelly she would be into it right? WRONG

Heff said "put your mask on and give one look - if you don't like it I'll take you back." she saw the first jelly and shot up terrified "AHHHH A JELLYFISH!!!!!" Ok fine we believe you. Jellyfish-a-phobia buys you a ride bak to the dock

Maisie on the other hand was a snorkling machine and LOVED it

at first there were one or two to see - they were beautiful!

and then more...

under water selfie just for you Lindabobbi

and more...

shot from below

proud of my Maisie girl

back to Francie just chilling on the dock with Dad and JJ

she had no problem looking at a lone jelly near the dock but told us adamantly she is NEVER going to Jellyfish lake even next time we are in Palau - don't think that will be an issue France :)

blurry family photo - minus Tessa

and back to the white sand beaches

work it JJ

she is a Daddy-addict!

surfer girl

France found a coconut in the husk

took some work but she got it open


Maisie swooped in just in time to reap the rewards


play time on the floating dock

kids table

Dad messing with Tessa's 16 week pic

love this face

down time just hanging out

and back out in the sun

Tess getting a little equator vitamin D

and on one beach we found an awesome rope swing

fishing with Dad

nice look JJ

happy tiny

caught one!

kiss and release

Janie's turn

family shot at sunset

this kid is nuts - that's why we love you Janie

Francie reeled in this cool fish

water babies

fried up fish!

Styling Janie

we celebrated New Years Eve New Zealand time since that was the closest reasonable hour :)

with a Masquerade of course! Janie asked where Good Dog Carl was :)

cheers to 2013!

hot tub pina coladas were a staple after swimming

and worn out kids after all the fun in the sun

what a great trip!