Tessa Goes to the Park with her Sisters

Tuesday night we packed up all four girls, three bikes, some snacks and beers and headed to "Clara's Park" near her house. The girls rode and rode around the paths and then up and down "rollercoaster hill" Well Francie rode up and down a few hundred times and Maisie perched at the top getting the courage up until she finally was brave enough :) JJ ran around chasing dogs and did a little scoot biking. When the sun went down we packed up for Tessa's first dinner out at Mountain Mikes Pizza!

lounging on the hill to watch the action

love this tom-boy look on Maisie

trying to "teach" JJ to ride a bike

ahhh... pretty happy with this spread ;)

Maisie tried and tried once she got the courage to conquer the hill - she got about this far on the steep side everytime and then couldn't pedal her skinny little legs strong enough to make it all the way. But she tried and tried!

some slight bike adjustments needed. It makes me smile everytime I see Heff wearing this shirt - he wears it only to see Maisie's face and hear her say "Yeah! Your Mickey shirt!!!" EVERY time :)

crazy Dad!

Family pizza dinner - Francie and Maisie telling secrets ;)

Little squishy and her first restaurant - I remember taking Baby Ann to her first restaurant when she was a newborn... and it was Sizzler! Mtn Mikes is almost as fancy ;) and poor Tess is a puker like Francie and Maisie were - she barfed all over her outfit when we got here so she's in a clean onesie and JanKnits sweater but I forgot pants so we just wrapped her up - 4th child for sure!