Francie's Family Bday Dinner

Tuesday September 18 was Francie's real birthday. Tessa was still in the hospital so Francie wanted to have dinner together at the hospital cafeteria so we could all be "together."

First a visit to see our new little sister

A stop at the Children's Hospital train

as you can see Janie isn't having ANY issues not being the baby anymore ;)

Then we trekked down the hall through the adult hospital to the big cafeteria for dinner

the big sisters take good care of JJ

Janie CAM

Cafeteria pizza and hot dogs!

My birthday girl - and a hot dog in her mouth :)

My mom and I ran over to Kara's Cupcakes (and Walgreens for "N" diapers!) as soon as I got discharged (and nurse called as soon as we got there that Tessa was hungry - of course!) but we got 6 carefully selected cupcakes with lots of pink on top - Maisie insisted on carrying the bag and the cupcakes were a little beat up.

no lighting candles in hospitals but we faked it!

We brought one present to the hospital - it was number one on her list :)

pretty happy girl - not a typical birthday but the girls thought hospital cafeteria dinner was just as good as anywhere!