Tessa Homecoming - Round 1!

We got to bring Tessa home Wednesday at lunchtime and were soooo happy to be home. Tessa was doing great and I was feeling good too. The girls came home from pre-school, Jannie and Grampa came over and Oma came in on her way back from her Europe trip to hang out at home all day with us. The girls took turns holding the baby and France got to open some birthday gifts. Ann Skidmore brought a yummy dinner and birthday cake! I got to organize and set up cribs and just hold my baby. It was a great day home with our FOUR girls and family! (and then unfortunately things went downhill overnight and I was feeling awful Friday... ended up back in the hospital Friday night and still here!) more on that later - for now a some happy pics!

First time in her own house :)

The girls made a cute Welcome Home poster for Tessa (or "Tessie" as it says :) at school with their awesome teachers and friends

These are the cute "Big Sister" posters one of my awesome girls at work made for the girls to take to school Monday!

and the Welcome Home poster - thanks Sara!!

The Bassinet all set up for Tessa by Jannie (was borrowed by a cousin in between JJ and Tess - lots of babies used this bassinet!)

Pretty content

We got home a little before noon and the girls came home from school at 12:30 with Emmy (she rocks walking the stroller up the hill for pick up!)

Janie was sooo excited! She kept saying "BABY! Cute!" but didn't want to call her Tessa :)

checking her out

Proud Big Sis

Maisie was taking pictures with her "own camera" She was having a little trouble with Francie getting so much birthday attention and gifts so she snuck off, found a camera

Cute Maisie face - she's the most interested in holding Tess and mothering her :)

She also asked me when I was nursing - "Mom. Is that one regular? and that one chocolate milk?" Wouldn't that be nice Maisie :)

My crazy Maisie

Helping Janie hold Tess

Now JJ taking pics!

Tessa wondering HOW she ended up in this family! Rude awakening from the nice sweet nurses in the NICU

The Big Cheese!

Sweet girl in her going home outfit

Jannie and Grampa with their 4th granddaughter

JJ pulled this doll cradle up from downstairs by herself and said "Put! Baby! IN!"

Family photo outtake

Tess in pink - so glad to be home!

Everyone keeps reminding me - Four girls in five years - they are like Little Women now :) This was a copy of the book my parent's good friend Susan McCance gave me when I was born

JJ wanted Jannie to hold her like a baby :)

Cute cookie bouquet with each of the girls names from Avery!

Ann Skidmore brought a huge spread for dinner - her fruit salad reminds me of being this age :) Thanks Ann!!

Opening a monkey music maker (JJ's FAVORITE thing) for her sister - Cheeeeese

Family birthday dinner

This is how Tess joined us for dinner - pretty cozy

and awesome Susie Cakes for Francie's 5th birthday Ann brought us too!

Grampa brought "It's a Girl!" suckers!

Another classic face Tess :) Francie wanted Happy Birthday sung to her while she held Tessa

We convinced her the counter was better since we had sparkler and trick candles :)

Happy Birthday girl

Our new family!

more funny Maisie Faces holding her new baby sis

Emmy and her crew :) moving too fast for a non-blurry pic!

why so mad France!?

Much happier :)

FOUR GIRLS! It's kinda crazy to look around the house

Proud face

Open eyes

Crazy arms

So Big! this one just makes me laugh - she's long too!

pretty skin color - thanks tiny bit of jaundice

Trying out the other bassinet

and had to get a diaper only shot - now that she has no more IV's or monitors I appreciate it so much more!

and a nightgown for the first time! Heff's favorite baby girl wardrobe choice :)