Leaving NICU

Wednesday morning we were just waiting for news that Tessa's labs and cultures were clear and crossing our fingers we could take her home. The DR's rounded at 10am and said she looked great and was good to go! SO EXCITING to hear that news!! Heff had taken the girls to school so he hurried back over while I waited for her hearing test and Hep B shot (she took that shot like a champ after all the pokes and IV lines she had endured!)

This was my view sitting in her rocking chair every time I nursed or came to sit with her. We had some good bonding time here and she was well taken care of

Loaded up in her JanKnits going home outfit and her carseat! Looking so big - and still a bit brusied ;/

Proud Dad ready to acrry her safely out of the hospital

Tired parents photo 

Daylight!! Had only seen it from the hospital cafeteria courtyard since Friday!

Had a picture of the other girls in this same spot going home - but they changed the LPCH signage to the starry lights! Either way - just happy we get to take this little bundle home.

Load 'er up! She was great on the drive - cried for a minute and then fell fast asleep. It was a pretty, sunny, almost fall day to take our baby girl home to our family :) We are so blessed - and so thankful - for a healthy baby especially after spending time in the NICU. We know our stay was very short and very minor compared to so many sick babies. I have so much respect for families who endure long hospital stays with their babies - we are so lucky our stay was short and Tessa came home healthy.