We were very blessed to welcome a new baby GIRL to our family today!

"Tessa Kate"
(aka MaryTeresa Katherine)
was born at 12:37am Sunday September 16, 2012
the day before her due date
7 pounds 7 ounces
21 inches

We had a rough go of labor for both of us and Tessa is in the NICU at Stanford for two days but we are hoping she will get to come home with us on Tuesday. She is a tough cookie (notice her swollen black eye on the right - poor baby!) The 'birth story' needs a post of it's own - for now all the happy new baby photos!

got to bond with her Dad for her first six hours of life - he took good care of her!

My first visit to the NICU - 8 hours old

Getting to know Baby Tess

Big sisters got to meet their new baby today and are all very excited. Tessa was a thoughtful baby sis and brought them each a new doll to leave the hospital with :) They are loving life at Camp Jannie/Emmy at Jannie and Grampa's house while we are in the hospital with the baby. We are very thankful they are in such good hands since dropping them at the back door 3:30 in the morning Saturday!

Looking forward to being home with our four daughters - already in love with this new little one to add to our flock. She has some features of her sisters but really seems to have her own look!