Adventures with Emmy

Lunch date at Spot Pizza! A lady came into Bumble and said "I just saw your crew having lunch - looked like a preschool out front!"

We are sooo lucky to have Emmy!! Not only as a member of the family (I think growing up as cousins, Emmy and I fought with each other like sisters MORE than I did with Baby Ann - we know each other so well we knew how to push each others buttons! Yes I know I was 9 years older :)

Maisie told us for HER birthday she wants a new stroller since "sometimes it's hard for Emmy to push all of us in one stroller." Cute sentiment Maisie but she wasn't sure who was going to push it :)

Love the excitement on Maisie's face hanging out with Janie in her crib when she wakes up

Always lots of fun to be had at PLAY! The girls walk downtown and hit all the hot spots (pet store, treat store, Dreagar's Jelly Belly wall, and of course PLAY!

and lately Emmy gets lots of one-on-one JJ time while the girls are in school!

then they pick up the big girls at school on a stroller ride

Love the look Maise

Doesn't get much better than mornings with Emmy! LOVE YOU EM!!