39 weeks


39 weeks! Getting down to the wire. Still can't believe it's really almost time for a new squishy little baby :) The girls are getting really excited (well except Janie - she's NOT going to like this one bit!) she has such a little attitude and throws herself on chairs/the ground if she doesn't get her way. Gotta learn quick that doesn't work around here Janie!


Francie told her teacher yesterday she hopes the baby is born on her birthday because "that would be really fun and cool." Maisie is a little jealous of this fact and said a few weeks ago "Oh I have a good idea- the baby's legs can come out on Gagee's birfday, the middle can come out on JJ's birfday and the HEAD can come out on MY birfday!" Francie looked at Maisie like she had two heads and said "Maisie that is NOT a good idea - babies come out all in one day." 


We did get a new infant seat in the mail today though! (sold the old one on Craigslist last year :)  and the girls took it right out of the box to play and put their dolls in. Still trying to figure out how to configure four carseats in the Suburban (we have a bench middle seat for more seats - but Maisie can't buckle or unbuckle the bottom part herself and no way am I crawling back there every time! I think we do Francie in the way back and three across the middle.

Maisie is sooooo excited for the baby :)


Francie and I went downtown yesterday while the little girls napped to check on business life and Francie was talking about the carseat and said "Well - no way we can EVER take the truck anywhere again! I reminded her the infant seat can actually go up front on the bench between mom and dad (don't worry - it's safe, no airbag there and in the very middle of a 3/4 ton diesel truck it's a pretty safe place to ride) so she thought about it an said "Well - so much for EVER riding in the ranger again!" (my electric vehicle golf cart/ranger is a two seater we only drive around town - got that one right France.

my big work helper (we got ice cream too)


I go to the dr once a week now and everything is status quo. My doctor has me go for fetal monitoring at LPCH once a week too since I am VBAC.  I just sit for 20 minutes and watch all the kicks register on the screen and baby's heart beat go up when it goes crazy. Still a super active little baby - does that mean a boy or another JJ?! 


Off to wash some newborn baby clothes - it's about that time! Hard to believe most of what I have will be on the FOURTH round… good thing they grow fast and clothes don't wear out very quickly when you are a tiny baby :) oh and should probably pack a hospital bag…. got my new Dear Johnnie all ready, have to splurge on a new one every time so I can tell which baby is which in hospital pictures!