Last Week of "Summer Vacation"

Just more catching up on what we've been up to via Instagram - my poor SLR is not getting much of a workout lately! We've had a quiet weekend mostly at home catching up on sleep and relaxing - after a super busy week.

Francie says "take a picture of me and Ziggy with this beautiful flower. Doesn't she just love having her picture taken?"

Maisie's always the best excuse to sneak in a nap with - Heff and I don't mind saying "I'll just go get Maisie down - maybe in our bed" (not on her IKEA not so comfy for adults to sleep twin mattress :)

Charmin toilet paper delivered via Amazon. Makes a great choo-choo train to decorate (and JJ is gnawing on a Crayola toothbrush not a pen :)

Triple Tub Trouble

Lots of fun times down at the rope swing. The creek dried up in July this year (ran water all year long last year) but Maisie still insisted on going to change into a swim suit the other day :)

Francie and Maisie picked a color every day the week before last to be the color of the day. Pink day of course - then this was blue day :) They weren't happy until every piece of clothing, shoes and accessories on everyone was that color. Fort accessories included!

Friday before school started Linda came to join Emmy for "Treat Friday Funday" they hit all their favorite spots in town (Jamba Juice, two parks, library, pet store, fro-yo) and came home to bake a cake - way too much fun!

They made a Worm Cake. Oh and it was Yellow Day

I guess yellow day changed it's mind at naptime - and I have no clue why Francie calls Linda "Loco-Linda" do you? weird ;)

and the last week of "summer vacation" was also $1.00 mornings at Jamba - Emmy found this deal - $1.00 for any kind of regular sized smoothie!

Blue Day at Jamba :)

and.. you guessed it.

And we're down to one kid in the stroller in the mornings with Emmy - until new baby comes!

Em brings the girls to PLAY lots of mornings and I get to check in with them there and watch their art projects - the girls at PLAy are doing such an awesome job coming up with fun "playtivities" every day!

tearing up the soccer goals on Pink Day

Maisie's favorite building activity - making barns

UNO in PJs - Francie is the destroyer in this game

Just got beat by here sister

Just being silly!

Love those overalls :)

and this looks about 2pm Maisie - ready for a nap!

Pizza in the park - Emmy took the girls one night so Heff and I could go to dinner for a Date Night!


SO sad summer is over! But at least we get Indian Summer weather for another 2 months at least!