Not A Baby Anymore

Tonight I snuck in a rare chance to rock Janie to sleep... and realized she's just not a baby anymore! She is 17 months today - almost to the big 1 1/2 mark when you can stop counting months :) She usually goes right down but tonight was crying in her crib so I went in and held her - she knew it was a treat and fell right asleep in my arms. I had to stare at such stillness from such a busybody for awhile... she was such a stinker for the first 5 months I couldn't leave her anywhere and since then (when she isn't running somewhere at full speed) she asks "hold you?" all the time and likes her perch on your hip - so she's been my little buddy for 17 months and is graduating into one of the gang with the big girls. Talking, getting hair, forming her own opinions- no more baby J!! It's sad but it's so much fun to see her very full and loud personality coming out. 

testing out arcade games - looking a little disturbed we made her look like a prize :)

This pregnancy is flying by and we are 31+ weeks already. I am thinking it's a girl this time. I thought boy for Francie, Maisie and Janie... as Francie says "She's always WRONG about the baby!" Heff guesses boy and he's always right - so we'll see. The baby is really REALLY active. It makes it fun for the girls to feel although Maisie still believes every time I flex my tummy muscles it's the baby and JJ has no clue what I am talking about - every time I tell her there is a baby in there she goes "Beby Button?" like "it's just a belly button mom - not a baby!" The next 9 weeks (10 if I go a week over like the last two) will fly by and so I am enjoying the ease of a little buddy I can feel move around but does't need much from me yet :) 

Me and Maisie Moo feeling baby kicks on the couch- she's getting ready to be a double-big sister!

and France - hilarious as ever has lots of opinions about this baby and claims if it is born on her birthday (due the day before she turns 5) she gets to name it. Current favorites are Nick, Sally and Zoozicular. Hope I break my 18th streak :)

Grandpa and two of his grandbaby girls at Bumble for dinner the other night when Jannie was out of town - just getting as much as we can out of the summer months!